Tuesday, September 6, 2016

A look at my ecological footprint...

For our first assignment, we were asked to calculate our ecological footprint to find out one question. If the entire human population lived the way I do, how many earths would it take to provide enough resources? My result...3.7 earths.

I know that sounds like a lot, but I expected my ecological footprint to be much larger. With that being said, had the questions been directed at everyone who lives in my household, rather than just myself the results would be VERY different.

Services account for the largest portion of my Footprint. Mobility makes up the next largest chunk at 23%. I expected that because of the distance that I travel to and from work/school. Surprisingly, shelter accounts the smallest portion.

So what can be done to reduce my footprint? if eat 50% fewer animal products, be wise about packaging, install solar panels, have energy efficient appliances, and use public transportation more, I can reduce my footprint by 0.4 earths. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but anything helps!

Now what? I’m going to commit to one and yes only one! Why? I'll explain later.

I pledge to purchase products that use less packaging or are made out of recycled material. When it comes to shopping for certain things, i'm lazy. I'm often too tired to care or simply don't think about the packaging of items that i'm purchasing. But if I do that and only that, then I can reduce my footprint by 0.2 earths!

In the past couple of years, I have made big changes in the way I live my life. I’m much more aware of my impact, as well as others’ on this earth. Recently, for environmental and non-environmental reasons, I implemented more than one of these suggestions in my life. One suggestion is to cut the amount of animal products I consume in half. Within the past year, I practically stopped consuming animal products all together. Today, I consume mostly plant based products with fish being the main animal product that I consume. I like to know where my food comes from, so I took up gardening and started to grow my own year-round. For what I don't/can't grow, I rely on the local farmer's market for most of my fruits and veggies. 

I mentioned earlier that I have quite a daily commute. To combat the cost of gas and to "save the world," I started taking the bus to and from school two days a week. I would commit to more days, but I need to sleep sometime!

Found out your Ecological Footprint and see what you can do! www.footprintnetwork.org/calculator

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